你還記得小時候喜歡隨處塗鴨的心情嗎? 網頁設計師B6,年少時就喜歡透過速寫,記錄下日常景緻。因繁忙的工作中斷手繪多年之後,在轉換工作的休息期間,他重新拾畫筆,再次勾勒生活的角落。他的線條輕鬆、寫意、自由,以淡彩搭配濃密的線條及大量留白,形塑強烈的個人風格。他常鼓勵人畫畫,刻意簡化構圖及學院派對繪畫的要求,希望消弭遺忘塗鴨樂趣的大人們對於畫畫的恐懼。 白天的B6是一個普通的上班族,而一幅幅街頭速寫的作品,讓下班後的他,豐富多彩且獨一無二。
Do you remember how it felt to doodle as a kid? As a kid, web designer B6 liked sketching to remember the scenes of his daily routine. He eventually abandoned sketching for many years due to his busy career; however, while changing jobs, he grabbed his pad and pencil once again to outline the corners of his life. His bold personal style consists of relaxed, broad, and freehanded strokes; combined with pale paints, thick lines, and plenty of negative space. He often encourages others to draw by suggesting they simplifying issues like perspective or an academic approach to art. He hopes the unforgettable joy of doodling will help adults to conquer their fear of the arts. By day, B6 works a typical 9-to-5 but his afterhours sketches in the street provide him a unique and colorful perspective.