若是跟曉君相處過,很難不喜歡她的人;若是聽過她現場演唱,很難不愛上她的聲音。 戴曉君是屏東牡丹鄉石門部落的排灣族,她的個性溫暖又透明,從生活中擷取感受,創作一首首歌曲。身為青年會會長的她,所做的許多歌曲,都是對於石門部落最深情的情歌。 透過馬達加斯加好友Sammy的來訪,兩個創作歌手隨性而唱,碰撞出的音樂,見證他們音樂上的默契與天賦。
If you´ve ever met Payuwan singer, Sauljaljui, you´d know it´s hard not to like her. If you´ve ever heard her sing live then you know why we love her music. Sauljaljui hails from the Payuwan people of the Kapanan (Shimen) tribe in Mutan township, Pingtung. She´s a warm and openhearted musician who writes song inspired by her feelings about everyday life. The songs she´s written as head of the Youth Association are a profound love letter to the Kapanan tribe. Once her good friend Sammy arrived from Madagascar, the two singers gathered to share music from the heart. Their duets are a testament to a shared passion and talent for music.