創作這件事《落日飛車的世界飛行》Sunset Rollercoaster's World Tour
「我很喜歡70年代老的靈魂樂,喜歡70年代80年代的成人抒情,也很喜歡迷幻音樂,世界音樂跟Bossa Nova。所以我寫的這些音樂,就是很自然而然的,長成現在有的這個樣子。對我來說,它就是一個拼貼的一個過程。」-曾國宏
曾國宏很喜歡緩慢的美,他寫的歌都很慢,聽完後卻很深刻。2017年,他寫的的《My Jinji》這首歌,被粉絲上傳網路後,創下了1000多萬的觀看人次,世界各地的聽眾開始迷上了飛車的音樂。國國大膽地把70年代美國金曲風,拼貼得很鬆散,玩得很愜意,這是美國學院派不敢跨越的,因此許多聽眾覺得飛車很勇敢,創造了全新的東西,而且帶著東方文化在裡頭,很特別的存在。
“I love old soul music from the 70s or adult contemporary from the 70s and 80s. I also love psychedelic music, world music, and Bossa Nova. I write the songs that come naturally. For me, it’s a process of putting together a collage.” TSENG Kuo-Hung
The independent band, Sunset Rollercoaster, was founded in 2011. Singer-songwriter and lead guitarist, TSENG Kuo-hung, used a collage technique to write several English songs. He then brought these songs on an impressive world tour that lasted for more than 100 performances across Europe and the US.
TSENG Kuo-hung finds beauty is slowness. He writes many slow songs; but if you listen closely they’re actually quite profound. His song “My Jinji” amassed more than one million views after being uploaded by fans. Eventually audiences all over the world fell in love with the music of Sunset Rollercoaster.
Kuo-hung bravely pieced the classic American styles of the 70s into a loose collage. He was quite pleased; although American academics seemed unwilling to step outside the box. Others felt that Sunset Rollercoaster was very brave to create something new; especially because they incorporate unique elements of East Asian culture.
Kuo-hung said his goal for 2015 was to transform Sunset Rollercoaster from something he enjoyed into a career. He hoped to realize his plans by continuing to make music. The band accomplished their goal within five years. Thanks to the raise of streaming platforms, the band’s musical style coincided with the current trend of reviving classic rock. It’s suddenly cool to play something that isn’t heavy metal. Sunset Rollercoaster has also spent many years on a tight international touring schedule that’s given them a glimpse into the international music scene. It appears as if the rollercoaster is on the rise again.